Assign modules on offcanvas module position to make them visible in the sidebar.

Main Menu


    Emcali y la Alcaldía de Cali busca masificar el uso del uso del Internet y facilitar el acceso entre los caleños. Se hace entrega a la ciudad de las primeras 5 zonas de acceso a internet WIFI gratuito.Los cinco puntos habilitados son:

    La Loma de la Cruz, El Bulevar de la Avenida Colombia, La Plazoleta Jairo Varela,
    El Parque de los Poetas, La Colina de San Antonio


    Con las zonas WIFI EMCALI, navega a tus anchas en zonas estratégicas, que estarán distribuidas en centros comerciales y zonas Públicas las 24 horas del día para los cibernautas y clientes de los complejos comerciales.

Emcali tiene planes especiales de minutos a destinos nacionales e internacionales. Realiza llamadas a larga distancia nacional, suscripción a través del indicativo 0484 y larga distancia internacional con el indicativo 00484.

  • Lorem ipsum
  • Dolor sit amet
  • Vestibulum venenatis
  • Suscipit libero
NUMERO VIRTUAL! Emcali numero virtual Este servicio ofrece la posibilidad de tener un número telefónico único virtual, mediante el cual el usuario podrá ser localizado en cualquier sitio dentro y fuera de la ciudad. Línea de átencion: 177 Mas Info:
Services Include
  • Lorem ipsum
  • Dolor sit amet
  • Vestibulum venenatis
  • Suscipit libero

Ultimas Noticias

  • Acceso a Internet EMPRESARIAL
    Acceso a Internet EMPRESARIAL

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


    Emcali tiene para usted este servicio que le permite realizar y recibir llamadas de voz bajo planes

  • EMCALI TV Plus
    EMCALI TV Plus

    Con Emcali TV PLus toma el control de la tecnologia

  • Denuncia la pornografia infantil
    Denuncia la pornografia infantil

    Colombia ratificó su compromiso de CERO TOLERANCIA con la Pornografía Infantil.

  • Project 5
    Project 5

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • Project6

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Up to 250 Mbps
High speed internet

Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim donec porttitora.
In facilisis at augue imperdiet dignissim.

Lorem ipsum dolorProin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim.

Adipiscing elitProin iaculis purus consequat sem cure.

Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim donec porttitora.
In facilisis at augue imperdiet dignissim.

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Business Theme

JM Services

Culinary Theme

JM Services

Dental Theme

JM Services

JM Internet Joomla template is using fully responsive layout that adjusts to various screens: desktops, tablets or mobiles.
EF4 Framework includes Layout Builder tool which allows you to customize template layout for different screen dimensions.

There are additional module designs available that you can control by entering a correct suffix name as a module parameter.
Let's check them all.

1. Available module designs


Module Suffixes


2. Use the following suffixes for DJ-ImageSlider module if you want to get the following view for slides. Otherwise a module will use the default css styles.


Suffix name: header-ms


DJ-ImageSlider Suffixes


2. Use the following suffixes if you want add hover effect for "Solutions" Custom HTML modules.

DJ-ImageSlider Suffixes

Suffix name: expand1-ms and expand2-ms

3. Use the suffix for module to reduce space below module.

Suffix name: margin-ms

4. Additional and very useful suffix to make your modules height the same.
You just have to put a suffix at a module configuration to get the specified module height.

See here the screenshot:


_mod300 means that your module will be of 300 pixels high.

If you need to mix suffixes, remember to put that suffix at the end and add space between suffixes, see the example:



404 OOPS!

Page not found!

"Sorry, it appears the page you were looking for does not exist anymore or might have been moved.
Please try your luck again."

Take me home


This is a Joomla! article displayed as custom 404 page.

How to modify this page?
Step 1: Go to Content -> Article Manager.
Step 2: Find and edit the "Error 404" article.

How is the search module displayed?
It is displayed using the "Content - Load Modules" plugin. It allows to display a module in a Joomla article.
The module is published on the following position: error404-search

How to display a different article as custom 404 page?
If you want to display other article, you need to change the article ID in the following location: /templates/jm-template/error.php